Monday, August 23, 2010

Being Aware

So my prayer this morning...not at 6:3o like I had planned, but more like 7 (I can live with that), was that God would just help me be aware today. That I would be mindful of my goal for the day and not forget that I was actually trying to eat right and exercise. Quite honestly, sometimes, because these bad habits are just so ingrained in my everyday life, I just don't remember to do things differently. So, like I said, my first goal was to remember. And God answered my prayer during my first test this morning.

I had made myself a nice breakfast BEFORE I left the house for my Bible study at 9. I even made an icy cold water bottle for myself before I left so I wouldn't be tempted to make a Sonic drink run on the way! Yes, I was mindful! YAY! But when I got to the house where we have our Bible study (Heather's house), I was faced with a scrumptious looking breakfast that Heather, the Queen of hospitality, had prepared for us. There was breakfast casserole, muffins, cinnamon rolls and coffee with yummy creamers. AHHH!!!! Now, last time I had purposed to eat right on a Monday, I showed up at her house and started mindlessly shoveling in all her yummy goodies (her cooking is hard to resist!) and right in the middle of some monkey bread realized what I had done! I felt like Homer Simpson...DOH!

But not this time. I was mindful (and resentful) and made it through the whole time without even having one bite of that breakfast (as much as I wanted to). I just sipped my water and looked forward to lunch. I was glad that I had eaten a good breakfast before or Heather's breakfast would have been too much to reisist! LOL

So it was a good day. I ate well under 1500 calories and walked a few times around the block (if you want to see my meals for the day, click here). Right now at 9:32 pm I'm not hungry, but would normally be rummaging through the cabinets for a little something sweet. I'm going to resist the temptation to go to the cabinet and grab one of those oatmeal creme pies I was eyeing earlier because I'm feeling really good about what I've done today. Like Chantel says in Never Say Diet, (and I'm paraphrasing) "....if you cheat and overeat, that's one more day you have to be fat." And she's so right. So, this day I'm choosing to do something about it.


Former Donut Junkie said...

Woo-Hoo! I love it! I'm proud of you and your commitment. I might need to read that book as well. I do read some stuff other than low-carb, even though I may not agree with everything they say I can always find some positives to take away from it. I've got 8 days of 'clean eating' behind me as of this morning, and the neat thing about that is that momentum builds with each passing you even more 'stick-to-it-ive-ness' and commitment to reach your goal.

I plan on blogging about the whole momentum topic and well as boundaries. Been giving a lot of thought to both recently. We all need lots of positive support and the best way is for those of us who are fighting-the-fight to encourage and lift one another up at every opportunity. Together we can do this!!!

Ron, aka The Former Donut Junkie

Darcie said...

LOVE this idea of being aware. That so often is the problem...we aren't in the moment, until it's to late and then we realize what we have done. Goes for so many aspects of our life.